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Tailor-made production according to your needs and complete management of your wooden pallets

Standard and artificial drying: Compliance and quality guaranteed

We adhere to the highest standards in pallet production. Our pallets are treated to ISPM 15 for international export, and we offer an artificial drying service to ensure low moisture content. This process not only ensures regulatory compliance, but also the durability and quality of your pallets, reducing the risk of mold and infestation.

Logirecuperation: Recovery and reconditioning of your used pallets

With our Logirecuperation service, we are committed to recovering your used pallets to recondition them. We collect thousands of pallets each year, which we inspect, repair and revalue for new use. This service allows you to reduce your logistics costs while contributing to more sustainable management of your resources.

Transport: Delivery of your pallets via our network of transporters

Nous assurons la livraison de vos palettes via notre flotte ou grâce à un réseau de transporteurs fiables et expérimentés.
Nous organisons le transport de vos palettes partout en France et à l’international, garantissant des délais de livraison rapides et sécurisés. Notre priorité est d’assurer que vos palettes arrivent en parfait état, prêtes à être utilisées pour vos besoins logistiques.

Wooden pallet

Wooden pallet manufacturer

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